Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Types Of November Goodness

I'd like to preface this all by thanking all of my members out there, I always love having feedback from customers on what is working and what you'd like to see more of. So, with all that in mind, here we go, more more MORE GOODIES!

There are several hunts that either MTC Designs or MTCouture is involved in. Here is a run down.

WomenStuff Hunt: *200 Stores AND IT IS A TWO month hunt from Nov 2nd- Jan 2nd 2013*
Winter is Coming: Roleplayers Hunt: November 2nd - 16th ((A 1L Hunt))
Creative Angels Hunt: In Captivity: Nov. 17th - 30th
Medieval Fantasy Hunt VII: December 1st - 31st
Winter Fair: December 1st - 15th

Special Linden days are as follows:

Gorean Room: Hearty Meal, available for only 50L!
Fable Fridays: New Mesh Release Blush Dress for only 50L!
69L Naughty Weekend: Over the Shoulder Mesh Sweater for only 69L!


MTC Designs
Schendi, Tahari, Plains and Northern rugs! 7 prim, unless you rezz the items, then allow 25 prims total. 3 female and male solo poses, 8 cuddles and 8 erotic couples animations, 4 dances, and 4 tower serves and 4 nadu serves!

Mesh Dress, 8 styles 5 sizes, Rigged Mesh! Make sure to try the demo! :)

Here is a photo of the new MTCouture Dress Release.:) For the other photos and hunt items, stay tuned to the group and be prepared to hunt fabulously!